Steel Fiber
Steel fibers serve to reinforce the refractory concretes and aid inthe prevention of cracking and spalling of the refractory material whenexposed to thermal shock.Dispersion is further aided by the optimum Aspect Ratio design guaranteeing rapid fiber separation during the mixing phase. It could improve the performance of the refractory materials, and increase the corrosion resistance, thermal cycle impact and abrasion resistance significantly. The stainless-steel fiber products of our company are divided into melt extraction method, cutting method and shearing method according to the production process.
• Melt Extract Stainless Steel Fiber Melt extract steel fiber is the product that out company imports technology and equipment from America exclusively to fill the blank of this era in China. Melt Extract stainless fibers are fully annealed and therefore are more pliable and ductile. This is of particular benefit during the mixing cycle and when the refractory composite is installed. These pliable fibers are not only more user-friendly than the stiff” needle-like” cut fibers, but also have better flow characteristics.
• Cutting Stainless Steel Fiber Cut by stainless steel wire, with higher tensile strength and flexibility. Divided into end hooked and corrugated shape.
• Shearing Stainless Steel Fiber Cut by stainless steel belt. Divided into corrugated shape and straight bar.

304# 310#
Size: 0.5x25mm
304# 310#
Size: 0.7x25mm
25mmSteel Anchor
LONG KETER supplying a comprehensive range of Steel Anchors.each model is custom made depending on the design and the application. Due to the relatively high temperatures at which refractory bricks are applied, care must be taken in the selection of the correct alloy. For denser bricks, heavier staples can also be supplied. To hold refractory anchor bricks in specific positions from a wall or a ceiling our Scissor clips or Brick Claws can be used. Tie back refractory anchors are great for holding back brick anchors in side wall applications. We also create tailor-made consoles for many different applications.
All models can be corrugated or specially formed for superior holding power. We can produce the anchors to suit stud welding techniques, hand welding techniques, or the mechanical bolt-on technique of fastening to the vessel.

304# 310# 316#
Round"Y" Anchors
304# 310# 316#
Brick Staple System
304# 310# 316#
Basic"V" Anchors